
KNOW that the Name “Allah” indicates and necessitates the meaning of all Asmâ Al-Husnâ and all attributes of Kamâl (Perfection) unlike other proper names of all other beings which point only to the beings themselves called by those names. Through the mystery of their attributes not being indispensable to them, their proper names do not point to their attributes. However, The Most Pure and Holy One’s (Dhât Al-Aqdas) Essence, Names and attributes are indispensable to each other. Also, since the proper Name “Allah” requires ulûhiyyah, it necessarily indicates all attributes. The word اِلهَ , which is used in the phrase 1 لاَ اِلهَ اِلاَّ اللّٰهُ before the rejection of all other things to which ulûhiyyah is attributed, also necessarily indicates all attributes.

If you understand this, you can understand thatلاَ اِلهَ اِلاَّ اللّٰهُ  contains Tawhîd and all requirements and conclusions of Tawhîd to the number of Al-Asmâ Al-Husnâ. This single phrase contains thousands of phrases. Also, all the phrases it contains are combined from confirmation and negation. Since by being directed to each individual, the negation totally comprehends all the individuals of a compound, through the established principle of the Logic, there will be confirmations to the number of all the negations. Therefore, when لاَ اِلهَ اِلاَّ اللّٰهُ  is said, from that negation all the confirmations like 2 لا خالق، ولا رازق، ولا قيّوم، ولا مالك، ولا فاطر، ولا قهار، إلّا اللّٰه emerge. Therefore, the meaning of the phrase لاَ اِلهَ اِلاَّ اللّٰهُ  can be opened for a progressive dhâkir in all levels and ranks according to all degrees and states of those ranks. Then repeating this phrase becomes corroboration for confirmation.


1 (There is no Ilah but Allah.)

2 (There is no Khâliq, no Razzâq, no Qayyûm, no Mâlik, no Fâtir and no Qahhâr... but Allah.)

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